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1 kbp DNA-Ladder, 200 µg, 4x 50 µg

lyophilised, not prestained
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Pack Qty.
Markers (DNA-gels)
Density (D) 1 g/cm³
Storage temp. -20 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

DNA ladder in lyophilised form. Gel loading buffer (Art. No. 0100.1) for dissolving the DNA and subsequent application on gels is supplied.
Size range: 500-10000 bp
Number of fragments: 11
Number of lanes per 100 μg: approx. 200 (mini gels)

Universal ladder for electrophoretic separation of fragments between 500 bp and 10 kb.
Optimally suited for size determination of inserts, plasmids, and restricted DNA.
The mass of the larger fragments was reduced, allowing to obtain clear and distinct bands with short running distances even for the large marker fragments.
The terminal sticky EcoR I-restriction sites allow simple labelling of the marker fragments via end-labelling techniques.
Product details

€172.00/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 200 µg per Pack Qty.

Art. No. Y014.2

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Product details

1 kbp DNA-Ladder lyophilised, not prestained

Universal ladder for electrophoretic separation of fragments between 500 bp and 10 kb.
Optimally suited for size determination of inserts, plasmids, and restricted DNA.
The mass of the larger fragments was reduced, allowing to obtain clear and distinct bands with short running distances even for the large marker fragments.
The terminal sticky EcoR I-restriction sites allow simple labelling of the marker fragments via end-labelling techniques.

Directions for use

The 1 kbp DNA-ladder is highly compatible with the 100 bp DNA-ladder (equalised: T833.1).

Fig.: 1.2 % agarose (NEEO, Art. No. 2267). Additional band at 125 bp.

Technical Information
Number of fragments 11 
Amount of traces ~200/100 µg 
Size range 500-10000 bp
Dispatch lyophilized 
1 kbp DNA-Ladder
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Packaging Price Quantity
Y014.1 50 µg plastic 50 µg


Y014.2 200 µg plastic 4 x 50 µg


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No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00

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