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≥220 Nessler U/mg material
Icon_Kuehltransport The products marked accordingly are shipped refrigerated in special, sustainable cooling boxes with cooling packs or dry ice.
Icon_Kuehltransport The products marked accordingly are shipped refrigerated in special, sustainable cooling boxes with cooling packs or dry ice.
Examples of effect: Lead to damage to heath, cause irritation to eyes, skin or respiratory organs. Are fatal in larger quantities. Safety: As previously stated, in the event of skin irritation or contact with eyes, rinse with water or a suitable medium.
Examples of effect: Have an allergenic effect, carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic to reproduction and cause developmental toxicity (reprotoxic) or damage to organs Safety: You must be well-informed before starting work with these substances; wear protective clothing and gloves, eye protection and mask or breathing protection.
i causes skin irritation, causes serious eye irritation, may cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled, may cause respiratory irritation
P261 P280 P304+P340 P342+P311
i avoid breathing dust, wear protective gloves/eye protection, IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing, if experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor
Pack Qty.
Molar mass (M) ~480000 g/mol
Storage temp. -20 °C
Transport temp. cooled
CAS No. 9002-13-5
EG-Nr. 232-656-0

Packaging: 0,25 Mega Unit
From jack beans, freeze-dried

Hydrolase belonging to the Amidases. Metallo-enzyme. Urease hydrolasis urea, resulting in ammonia and carbon dioxide, or in ammonia- and carbonate ions, respectively.
Using high amounts of urea as substrate (200 mM), urease is applied for visualisation of the connection between reaction rate and time. Detection is carried out via measurement of conductivity, or, photometrically, via colour change of bromothymol blue. Furthermore, model system for catalytic activation of carbon dioxide in metallo-organic chemistry.
Product details

€532.15/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 1 unit(s) per Pack Qty.

Art. No. 6065.1

In production
Additional transportation costs apply for this item.
from 6 Pack Qty. €505.54/Pack Qty.
from 24 Pack Qty. €478.94/Pack Qty.

Product details

Hydrolase belonging to the Amidases. Metallo-enzyme. Urease hydrolasis urea, resulting in ammonia and carbon dioxide, or in ammonia- and carbonate ions, respectively.
Using high amounts of urea as substrate (200 mM), urease is applied for visualisation of the connection between reaction rate and time. Detection is carried out via measurement of conductivity, or, photometrically, via colour change of bromothymol blue. Furthermore, model system for catalytic activation of carbon dioxide in metallo-organic chemistry.

Directions for use

pH optimum: 7.4.
Recommended reaction buffer system is 40 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Heavy metals (e. g. lead) are inhibitory.

Urease ≥220 Nessler U/mg material
Unit definition

One unit (U) is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the liberation of 1 µmole of NH3 per min at pH 7.0 and 25 °C.

Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Packaging Price Quantity
6065.1 1 unit(s) plastic 0,25 Mega Unit


In stock
In procurement
No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00

Downloads / MSDS

General information

Enzyme: a neoclassical, Greek artificial word ενζυμου, énzymon, derived from εν-, en- (in-) and ζυμη, zýmé (yeast, sourdough, archaic)
Ferments: comes from the Latin fermentum (ferments, sourdough)

There are six classes in which all enzymes are classified according to the particular reaction they catalyse:

Oxidoreductases (catalyse redox reactions)

Transferases (transfer functional groups among substrates)

Hydrolases (cleave bonds via addition of water)

Lyases/Synthases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates without cleavage of ATP)

Isomerases (transform chemical isomers)

Ligases/Synthetases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates via cleavage of ATP)

Certificates of Analysis

You can search for and download your certificate of analysis for the selected product here. Please provide your batch number.
The following analysis certificates have been found:

Type analysis

Appearancewhite material
Activity≥220 Nessler U/mg substance