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Violet Red Bile Agar with Lactose

ISO 4832, ISO 11133, for microbiology
Pack Qty.
VRB Agar
Storage temp. +15 to +25 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

Application: Use 41.5 g for 1 l agar.
For detection and enumeration of coliforms in milk, foods and other materials.

€131.70/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 500 g per Pack Qty.

Art. No. X940.1

In production
from 6 Pack Qty. €125.12/Pack Qty.
from 24 Pack Qty. €118.53/Pack Qty.

Product details

Violet Red Bile Agar with Lactose ISO 4832, ISO 11133, for microbiology

A: Escherichia coli.
B: Salmonella gallinarium.

Technical Information
Alternative name VRB agar 
Certified according to ISO 4832 
ISO 11133 
Violet Red Bile Agar with Lactose
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Price Quantity
X940.1 500 g plastic


In stock
In procurement
No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00

Downloads / MSDS

Certificates of Analysis

You can search for and download your certificate of analysis for the selected product here. Please provide your batch number.
The following analysis certificates have been found:

Guarantee analysis

Yeast extract3 g/l
Gelatine peptone7 g/l
Sodium chloride (NaCl)5 g/l
Bile salts1,5 g/l
Lactose monohydrate10 g/l
Neutral red0,03 g/l
Crystal Violet0,002 g/l
Agar15 g/l
pH value7,4 ±0,2