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ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s

CELLPURE® ready-to-use, sterile, with glutamine
Icon_Steril Sterile products
Icon_ready-to-use Ready-to-use products and reagents
Pack Qty.
EMEM cell culture medium, Eagle’s MEM, Minimum Essential Medium acc. to Eagle with Earle’s salts
Density (D) ~1 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) ~100 °C
Storage temp. +2 to +8 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

Medium for a variety of suspension cell cultures and adherent cells.

Minimum Essential Medium is a commonly used modification of the Basal Medium acc. to Eagle, having been developed in 1959 for culturing of HeLa cells. MEM contains high concentration of amino acids, which conform closely to the protein composition of human cells. Concentration of vitamins, and other essential nutrients, is enhanced, allowing longer cultivation periods between feedings.
MEM is one of the most widely used cell culture media and can be used for a variety of suspension cell cultures and adherent cells.
Product details

€17.10/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 500 ml per Pack Qty.

Art. No. 9044.1

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Product details


Minimum Essential Medium is a commonly used modification of the Basal Medium acc. to Eagle, having been developed in 1959 for culturing of HeLa cells. MEM contains high concentration of amino acids, which conform closely to the protein composition of human cells. Concentration of vitamins, and other essential nutrients, is enhanced, allowing longer cultivation periods between feedings.
MEM is one of the most widely used cell culture media and can be used for a variety of suspension cell cultures and adherent cells.

Generally, FBS is added to MEM basal media.

ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s CELLPURE® ready-to-use, sterile, with glutamine

This modification of MEM contains L-glutamine and Earle's salts, but no pyruvate.

Technical Information
Use Cell culture 
Instructions for use, addition Store at +2 °C to +8 °C protected from light. Once opened, use within 6-8 weeks. 
Additional info The detailed composition can be found in the specification. 
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s
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  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Price Quantity
9044.1 500 ml plastic


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  1. Subtotal:  0.00

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General information

The buffer system in cell culture media

In addition to the various nutrients in the medium, the pH value also plays a very important role in cell culture. The physiological pH for almost all mammalian cells is 7.4. Deviating from this, it has been observed that certain transformed cell lines prefer a pH between 7.0 and 7.4 and certain fibroblasts prefer a pH between 7.4 and 7.7. In any case, pH fluctuations should be avoided and the pH should be maintained as well as possible. That is why a buffer system in media is necessary. The most important buffer system in the body is the carbonic acid-carbonate buffer system. Accordingly, almost all cell culture media contain bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Bicarbonate alone leads to a strong pH increase of the medium, so that NaHCO3-buffered media must always be used with CO2 incubators. Depending on the NaHCO3 concentration in the medium, different CO2 environments are necessary to ensure a pH of about 7.4. For this reason, you should not work outside of the CO2 incubator for too long. If this is necessary, a HEPES buffer should be used in addition to the NaHCO3, which contributes as a second buffer system to stabilize the pH value.

ROTI®Cell Media for Cell Culture - Composition

Medium Art. No. Glucose
Sodium Pyruvate
Salts Note
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Media
ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 9005.1 4.5 4 X 1 44 yes X

ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 9006.1 4.5 4 X X 44 yes X

ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 9007.1 4.5 4 stab. X 1 44 yes X With temperature stabile glutamine.
ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 1TE9.1 4,5 4 stab. 25 X 44 yes X With temperature stabile glutamine.
ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 9010.1 4.5 X X 1 44 yes X

ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 9019.1 4.5 X X X 44 yes X

ROTI®Cell DMEM High Glucose 1TE8.1 4.5 X X X 44 X X Without phenol red.
ROTI®Cell DMEM Low Glucose 1TE7.1 1.0 4 stab. X 1 44 yes

With temperature stabile glutamine.
ROTI®Cell DMEM Low Glucose 9027.1 1.0 X X 1 44 yes X

DMEM : F12
ROTI®Cell DMEM : F12 1TE5.1 3.151 X 15 0,5 14.3 yes X

ROTI®Cell DMEM : F12 1YTP.1 3.151 2.5 15 0,5 14.3 yes X

Iscove’s Modfied Dulbecco Media
ROTI®Cell Iscove’s MDM 9033.1 4.5 4 25 1 36 yes X Additional amino acids and selene.
Minimum Essential Media
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 9044.1 1 2 X X 26.2 yes Earle’s

ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 1TE6.1 1 2 stab. X X 26.2 yes Earle’s With temperature stabile glutamine.
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 9047.1 1 X X X 26.2 yes Earle’s

ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM-Alpha 9058.1 1 X X 1 26.2 yes Earle’s Plus cobalamin, ascorbic acid, NEAA*, lipoic acid, biotin.
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM-Alpha 1TEA.1 1 X X 1 26.2 yes Earle’s Plus cobalamin, ascorbic acid, NEAA*, lipoic acid, biotin, ribonucleosides and desoxyribonucleosides.
RPMI Media
ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9085.1 2 2 X X 23.8 yes X

ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9086.1 2 2 25 X 23.8 yes X

ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9091.1 2 2 stab. X X 23.8 yes X With temperature stabile glutamine.
ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9099.1 2 X X X 23.8 yes X

ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9104.1 2 X X X 23.8 X X

Special Media
ROTI®Cell Ham’s F12 9108.1 1.8 1 X 1 14 yes X

ROTI®Cell Leibovitz’s L15 9109.1 0.9 galact. X X 5 X yes X With galactose instead of glucose. Without sodium bicarbonate.
ROTI®Cell McCoy’s 5A 9111.1 3 1.5 X X 26.2 yes X

ROTI®Cell Medium 199 / Earle’s 9112.1 1 0.7 X X 26.2 yes Earle’s

ROTI®Cell TC100 9114.2 1 4,1 X X 4,2 X X With Tryptose Broth.

* NEAA: Non-essential amino acids

ROTI®Cell Media for Cell Culture - Application

Medium Art. No. CO2 (%) Serum Field of application Successfully cultured cells
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Media
ROTI®Cell DMEM 9005.1 8,5 recommend Frequently used universal medium with up to 4-fold higher concentrations of amino acids and vitamines. Primary fibroblasts, neurons, glial cells, smooth muscle cells, epithelial cells, tumor cells, hybridome culturesHUVEC, HeLa, HEK 293, PC-12NIH 3T3, 3T6, A-431, A9 L, BALB 3T3, BSC40, COS-1, COS-7, EB, L6, PK1
DMEM : F12
ROTI®Cell DMEM : F12 1TE5.1 5,5 optional Highly complex medium for versatile use.Basis of many serum-free media. Primary fibroblasts, neurons, HU-VECs, smooth muscle cellsHEK-293, HeLa, Cos-7, PC-12
Iscove’s Modfied Dulbecco Media
ROTI®Cell Iscove’s MDM 9033.1 7,0 optional For fast proliferating cells, high cell densities and mass cell cultures. Bone marrow cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, Hybridoma culturesKG-1, COS-7, Jurkat
Minimum Essential Media
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 9044.1 5,0 recommend For cells with special nutritionalrequirements. Numerous suspension and adherent cells, mammalian fibroblastsHek293, BS-C-1, CV-1, Hep G2, JEG-3, L-929, McCoy, MDBK, MDCK, PK(15), PtK1, RK13, Vero
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 1TE6.1 5,0 recommend
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM / Earle’s 9047.1 5,0

ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM-Alpha 9058.1 5,0

Additionally suitable for selection of transfected DG44 and other AHFR-negative cells. BHK-21, BT, Caco-2, CRFK, D-17, HeLa, HT-1080, XC
ROTI®Cell Eagle’s MEM-Alpha 1TEA.1 5,0 recommend For cells with special nutritionalrequirements.
RPMI Media
ROTI®Cell RPMI 1640 9085.1 4,5 recommend For single cell lines also suitable without serum. Lymphocytes, leukemia cells, hybridoma cultures, astrocytes, carcinoma cellsDaudi, H9, HCT-15, HL-60, IM-9, Jurkat, K-562, Raji, MCF-7, HeLa, PC12, PBMC
Special Media
ROTI®Cell Ham’s F12 9108.1 2,5 optional Widely used, highly complex medium. Specifically for mouse CHO cells, lung cells and L cellsCHO-K1
ROTI®Cell Leibovitz’s L15 9109.1 0,0* recommend Suitable for fast growing cells in relatively high density. Tumor and embryonic cellsHeLa, Hep-2, SW-13
ROTI®Cell McCoy’s 5A 9111.1 5,0 recommend Standard medium for clonal growth of hepatoma cell linesUsed in virus production. Hepatoma cell lines, other permanent cell lines and also primary cellsHT-29, Jensen
ROTI®Cell Medium 199 / Earle’s 9112.1 5,0 optional Highly complex medium versatile. Especially suitable for non-transformed cellsLLC-PK1, LLC-WRC 256
ROTI®Cell TC100 9114.2 0,0* recommend Insect medium for the culture of a variety of Lepidopter species cells. Sf9, Sf21
* Cultivation outside the CO2 incubator.

Certificates of Analysis

You can search for and download your certificate of analysis for the selected product here. Please provide your batch number.
The following analysis certificates have been found:

Type analysis

Salts acc. to Earlecomplies
pH value7.0-7.6
Osmolality260-310 mOsm/kg
Endotoxins≤1,0 EU/ml