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5'-BzNPPOC-dA(Tac)-3'-PA, 0.5 g

≥95 %
Icon_Kuehltransport The products marked accordingly are shipped refrigerated in special, sustainable cooling boxes with cooling packs or dry ice.
Pack Qty.
Empirical formula C48H57N8O11P
Molar mass (M) 952,99 g/mol
Storage temp. -20 °C
Transport temp. cooled

€256.95/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 0.5 g per Pack Qty.

Art. No. 3705.1

Additional transportation costs apply for this item.
Ready for dispatch in 3-4 weeks
from 6 Pack Qty. €244.10/Pack Qty.
from 24 Pack Qty. €231.26/Pack Qty.
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Price Quantity
3705.1 0.5 g


3705.2 1 g


3705.3 5 g


In stock
In procurement
No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00

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Certificates of Analysis

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The following analysis certificates have been found:

Type analysis

Purity (HPLC)≥95 %
Identity (NMR)conforms