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Valerenic acid, 100 mg

ROTICHROM® with analytical records
Pack Qty.
Empirical formula C15H22O2
Molar mass (M) 234,34 g/mol
Melting point (mp) 139 °C
Storage temp. +4 °C
CAS No. 3569-10-6

From Valeriana officinalis.

€1,213.70/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 100 mg per Pack Qty.

Art. No. 4712.1

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from 6 Pack Qty. €1,153.02/Pack Qty.
from 24 Pack Qty. €1,092.33/Pack Qty.
Valerenic acid
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  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Price Quantity
4712.1 100 mg glass


4712.2 50 mg glass


4712.3 200 mg glass


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Downloads / MSDS

General information

For reference substances

  • a batch-specific
      HPLC-chromatogram, TLC-chromatogram and GC-chromatogram respectively
    is prepared, which you can find in the respective certificate of analysis. The batch-related certificate of analysis with chromatogram is available online.
      Reference substances
  • are examined chromatographically. The respective chromatograms are not included in the certificate of analysis.

    Reference Substances for Chromatography


    Pure reference substances are essential for precise analysis. They are used for identifying compounds by retention time, for calibrating detectors, and for eliminating errors in quantification of the sample compounds.

    Peak areas are proportional to sample quantity in all chromatographic methods. For precise quantitative analysis, however, it is necessary to calibrate the detector as the signal may significantly vary with different substances.

    To avoid errors during sample preparation and injection, an internal standard should be used in any case. The standard must not be present in the sample, however, its chemical and physical properties ought to be the closest possible to the analytical targets. It must be well resolved in the chromatogram within the same range of retention time as the sample. Before sample analysis, a given volume of standard is added, and all clean-up procedures are made with the sample containing the standard. Quantitative errors may be compensated by comparing the peak-areas of the sample with that of the internal standard.

    Reference Substances with Analytical Documentation

    TLC, HPLC, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, UV, IR, MS
    The documentation of the high-purity substances in this product range comprises approx. 20 pages of detailed analytical documentation and contains all important data on the analytical methods used. The results are usually confirmed with at least one additional method. This ensures a high level of reliability in determining the content and verifying identity. The batch-related certificate of analysis with complete documentation is available online.

    Certificates of Analysis

    You can search for and download your certificate of analysis for the selected product here. Please provide your batch number.
    The following analysis certificates have been found:

    Type analysis

    Purity (HPLC)≥99,0 %
    Analytical records: HPLC, TLC, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, UV, IR, MS, elementary analysis, melting point.