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ROTI®Fair pNPP 5mg , 24 unit(s), blister

5 mg/tablet, for biochemistry
Icon_ROTH-for-Future Products with optimised manufacturing process in terms of sustainability.
Pack Qty.
pNPP (tablet), p-Nitrophenyl phosphate
Storage temp. -20 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

0.1 % pNPP solution (1 mg/ml) is prepared by dissolution of 1 tablet in 5 ml substrate buffer.
For preparation of pNPP substrate solution for alkaline phosphatase.

Exactly pre-weighed tablets for convenient and rapid preparation of pNPP solution.
Product details

€155.90/Pack Qty. 

excl. VAT. | 24 unit(s) per Pack Qty.

Art. No. 1117.1

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Delivery fast, simple and reliable!
from 6 Pack Qty. €148.10/Pack Qty.
from 24 Pack Qty. €140.31/Pack Qty.

Product details

Exactly pre-weighed tablets for convenient and rapid preparation of pNPP solution.

Prepared solution may be sterilized by filtration (0,22 µm). The solution has to be stored at -20 °C in aliquots.

ROTI®Fair Products - Sustainability

As ready-to-use mixtures, ROTI®Fair products reduce the user's exposure to health-damaging substances used for preparation or pH adjustment. The production of ROTI®Fair tablets and sachets is carefully controlled in large quantities and can be made energy efficient. ROTI®Fair products reduce the total amount of waste produced and improve the footprint in the climate balance.

ROTI®Fair pNPP 5mg 5 mg/tablet, for biochemistry

Technical Information
Batch quantity 5 mg/tablet 
End concentration 1 mg/ml 
Enzyme Alkaline phosphatase 
Detection Colour (yellow) 
Buffer/solution pNPP (tablet), p-Nitrophenyl phosphate 
Signal product soluble (ELISA, activity assay) 
Use Substrate solution for alkaline phosphatase 
ROTI®Fair pNPP 5mg
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00
Art. No. Pack Qty. Pack. Price Quantity
1117.1 24 unit(s) blister


1117.3 100 unit(s) plastic


In stock
In procurement
No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
Selected quantity:   0
  1. Subtotal:  0.00

Downloads / MSDS

General information

Assay protocol for use of BCIP/NBT in immunoblot procedures:

Stock solutions (All solutions are stable for at least 1 year at 4 °C):
0.5 g NBT in 10 ml 70 % dimethylformamide;
0.5 g BCIP (p-toluidine salt) in 10 ml 100 % dimethylformamide.
Incubation buffer for alkaline phosphatase:
100 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2,100 mM Tris (pH 9.5).
Fresh substrate solution: 66 μl NBT stock solution + 10 ml incubation buffer, mix well, add 33 μl BCIP stock solution. Use within 1 hour.
Blot development: Approx. 10 ml substrate solution per 15 x 15 cm2 membrane surface. Develop at room temperature until bands become visible (approx. 30 mins).
Reaction stop: Rinse with PBS/20 mM EDTA.

Detection of peroxidase activity (Immunoassay):

Dissolve 1 mg TMB in 0.1 ml dimethylsulfoxide (Art. No. 4720); add 9.9 ml of a 0.1 M sodium acetate solution (pH 6.0) (Powder: Art. No. 6779), filter and add H2O2 (Art. No. 8070) (final concentration 0.01 %).

Always prepare freshly!

Incubation 10-30 mins at room temperature (approx. 50 μl per microtitre well; finally add 50 μl 1 M H2SO4, Art. No. X873, per well).
Photometric quantitation at 450 nm.

Reference: Bos E.S. et al. (1981) J. Immunoassay 2, (3/4), 187.

Certificates of Analysis

You can search for and download your certificate of analysis for the selected product here. Please provide your batch number.
The following analysis certificates have been found:


Prepared solution contains 1 mg/ml pNPP, when 1 tablet is dissolved in 5 ml substrate buffer or deionized, or distilled, water.