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- > Milieu-analytica (6.068)
- Beschermingsuitrusting en laboratoriumveiligheid (235)
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- Chromatografie (2.731)
- Luchtonderzoek (46)
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- Reiniging en ontsmetting (74)
- Water-/afvalwateronderzoek in het bijzonder (572)
Beschikbare producten
Roth Aanbod
Aanbevolen toepassing(en)
ROTI®ContiPlate TSA
acc. to Ph. Eur./USP, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
TSA, ROTI®ContiPlate CASO, Contact plates, Ready-made plate total count
ROTI®Plate90 Sab4Cla
ISO 11133, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
Ready-made media, agar plates
ROTI®ContiPlate TSA
acc. to Ph. Eur./USP, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
TSA, ROTI®ContiPlate CASO, Contact plates, Ready-made plate total count
ROTI®Plate90 Sab4Cla
ISO 11133, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
Ready-made media, agar plates
ROTI®ContiPlate TSA
acc. to Ph. Eur./USP, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
TSA, ROTI®ContiPlate CASO, Contact plates, Ready-made plate total count
ROTI®Plate90 Sab4Cla
ISO 11133, ready-to-use, sterile, for microbiology
Ready-made media, agar plates
In het winkelmandje