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ROTIPHORESE®10x TBE Buffer, 2.5 l, glass, 1 x 2.5 l

ROTIPHORESE® 10x conc.
Icon_ready-to-use Ready-to-use products and reagents
Icon_EVE-EUD Please consider that this product might be liable to some legal sanctions as for example to obtain an end user declaration or the prohibition of some applications. For details please do contact your counterpart in our sales department!
Mogelijke gevolgen: veroorzaken allergieën, kankerverwekkend (carcinogeen), verandering erfelijk materiaal (mutageen), brengt de voortplanting in gevaar en vruchtbeschadigend (reprotoxisch) of orgaanbeschadigend Veiligheid: voor het werk met dergelijke stoffen moet men zich goed informeren; veiligheidskleding en handschoenen, oog- en mondbescherming of adembescherming dragen.
i may damage fertility. May damage the unborn child
P201 P280 P308+P313
i obtain special instructions before use, wear protective gloves/eye protection, IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention
TBE buffer
Density (D) 1,068 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) >100 °C
Storage temp. +15 to +25 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

Concentrated TBE tends to precipitate salts during storage. Mix before use!
TBE-buffer for preparing sequencing gels and as running buffer in electrophoresis.

The TBE buffer is optimally suited as a gel and running buffer system.

76,90 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 2,5 l Per VE

Bestelnr. 3061.3

Op voorraad
Vrij van verzendingskosten vanaf 250 €
Snelle en betrouwbare levering!
Vanaf 6 VE 73,06 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 69,21 €/VE


The TBE buffer is optimally suited as a gel and running buffer system.


TBE buffer has a higher buffer capacity than TAE, but also leads to stronger heating of the gels. A slightly lower voltage should therefore be selected when gelling. DNA migrates in the TBE gel about half as fast as in TAE-buffered gels.
ROTIPHORESE®TBE buffer has a high buffer capacity and is therefore ideally suited as a gel and running buffer system for sequencing gels.


ROTIPHORESE®10x TBE buffer contains 1,0 M Tris-Borate pH 8,3 and 20 mM EDTA in distilled, deionised water; pH 8,3.

Suitable for manufacturing sequencing gels with ROTIPHORESE®Gel 40 and as a running buffer.


ROTIPHORESE®TBE buffer is usually used as 1x or 0.5-fold concentrated solution. TBE buffer is particularly suitable for the separation of small DNA fragments in the gel (up to 3 kb). TBE buffer is not suitable for use of gels for gel extraction of DNA.

Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. VE Verp. Verpakking Prijs Hoeveelheid
3061.1 1 l glass 1 x 1 l

36,45 €

3061.2 5 l plastic 1 x 5 l

120,95 €

3061.3 2,5 l glass 1 x 2.5 l

76,90 €

Op voorraad
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Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

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1.0 M TRIS borate (pH 8.3), 20 mM EDTA., distilled, deionized water., Remark: The product may crystallise. Can be redissolved by heating (max. 40 °C).