Please consider that this product might be liable to some legal sanctions as for example to obtain an end user declaration or the prohibition of some applications. For details please do contact your counterpart in our sales department!
Mogelijke gevolgen: vernietigen metalen en zijn bijtend voor lichaamsweefsel; ernstig oogletsel is mogelijk.
Veiligheid: contact vermijden; veiligheidsbril en handschoenen dragen. Bij contact ogen en huid met water spoelen.
imay be corrosive to metals, causes severe skin burns and eye damage
Density (D) ~1 g/cm³ Boiling point (bp) 83 °C ADR 8 II WGK 1 UN-Nr. 2031
MISA (Metals and Inorganics Sectoral Approach)
The standard solution is certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference materials. The solution is produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment, tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis.
The standard solution is certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference materials. The solution is produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment, tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis.
All solutions are certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference solutions. Solutions are produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment. The solutions are tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis. A series of mixtures of different element combinations and concentrations for standard environmental analyses.In multi-element solutions, the standard deviation of the respective element concentration is a maximum of 5% of the specified value.
Quality control standards
Surface water analysis (Art.No. 2642)
Sewage sludge analysis (Art.No. 2643)
MISA ICP-OES Standard 1-Rare Earth Metals ROTI®Star 18 elements in 5 % HNO3, 100 mg/l
Graag bieden wij u ook onze ROTI®Star multi-element standaardoplossingen aan als klantspecifieke speciale uitvoeringen in alle gangbare containermaten. Bezoek onze informatie website!
Standards for AAS and ICP
Carl ROTH has an extensive range of products which meets the highest standards of quality in the field of element standards and ion standards. The solutions and mixtures are made using materials of the highest purity, and therefore meet the requirements for instrumental analysis by AAS and ICP. All solutions are certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference materials. Solutions are produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment. The solutions are tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis.
We are offering you our ROTI®Star multi-element standard solutions as custom-made solutions which are manufactured with your special requirement. You will find the form for your customised solution at
All solutions are certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference solutions. Solutions are produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment. The solutions are tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis. A series of mixtures of different element combinations and concentrations for standard environmental analyses.In multi-element solutions, the standard deviation of the respective element concentration is a maximum of 5% of the specified value.