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Multi-Element ICP-MS Standard Solution CR-26, 100 ml

ROTI®Star 25 elements in 2 % HNO3, 1 mg/l
Mogelijke gevolgen: vernietigen metalen en zijn bijtend voor lichaamsweefsel; ernstig oogletsel is mogelijk. Veiligheid: contact vermijden; veiligheidsbril en handschoenen dragen. Bij contact ogen en huid met water spoelen.
i may be corrosive to metals, causes skin irritation, causes serious eye irritation
i wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection
Verwante producten
Aantal elementen
ICP standards
Density (D) ~1 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) 100 °C
UN-Nr. 3264

951,40 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 100 ml Per VE

Bestelnr. 33CL.1

Vrij van verzendingskosten vanaf 250 €
Klaar voor verzending in 3-4 weken
Vanaf 6 VE 903,83 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 856,26 €/VE


Multi-Element ICP-MS Standard Solution CR-26 ROTI®Star 25 elements in 2 % HNO3, 1 mg/l

Technische informatie
Aantal elementen 25 
Matrix 2 % HNO3 
Elementensamenstelling Aluminium (Al) 
Arseen (As) 
Barium (Ba) 
Calcium (Ca) 
Cadmium (Cd) 
Kobalt (Co) 
Chroom (Cr) 
Koper (Cu) 
IJzer (Fe) 
Kalium (K) 
Lithium (Li) 
Magnesium (Mg) 
Mangaan (Mn) 
Molybdeen (Mo) 
Natrium (Na) 
Nikkel (Ni) 
Fosfor (P) 
Lood (Pb) 
Zwavel (S) 
Tin (Sn) 
Titanium (Ti) 
Vanadium (V) 
Wolfraam (W) 
Zink (Zn) 
Zirkonium (Zr) 
Samenstelling Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Mo, P, S, Sn, Ti, W, Zr 
Concentration info 1 mg/l 
Multi-Element ICP-MS Standard Solution CR-26
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. Aantal elementen VE Verp. Prijs Hoeveelheid
33CL.1 25 100 ml HDPE

951,40 €

33CL.2 25 250 ml HDPE

1.343,75 €

33CL.3 25 500 ml HDPE

1.746,90 €

Op voorraad
In bestelling
Niet meer verkrijgbaar
Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

Downloads / MSDS

Algemene informatie

Standards for AAS and ICP


Carl ROTH has an extensive range of products which meets the highest standards of quality in the field of element standards and ion standards. The solutions and mixtures are made using materials of the highest purity, and therefore meet the requirements for instrumental analysis by AAS and ICP. All solutions are certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference materials. Solutions are produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment. The solutions are tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis.

We are offering you our ROTI®Star multi-element standard solutions as custom-made solutions which are manufactured with your special requirement.
You will find the form for your customised solution at

Multi Element Standards for ICP-MS

(Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass spectrometry)

The standard solutions are manufactured from high-purity starting material (usually ≥99,999 %) under clean room conditions. Acids (purified by means of sub-boiling distillation) and water of highest quality are used to manufacture the solutions.

The solutions are certified and can be traced to NIST standard reference solutions. Solutions are produced according to ISO 17034 in an accredited environment. The solutions are tested in a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and supplied with a detailed, batch-specific certificate of analysis.

The range encompasses different multi-element standards in various compositions for tuning, calibration and interference tests.In multi-element solutions, the standard deviation of the respective element concentration is a maximum of 5% of the specified value.

Graag bieden wij u ook onze ROTI®Star multi-element standaardoplossingen aan als klantspecifieke speciale uitvoeringen in alle gangbare containermaten. Bezoek onze informatie website!


Hier kunt u uw analysecertificaat voor het geselecteerde product zoeken en downloaden. Geef een chargenummer op.
De volgende analysecertificaten werden gevonden:

Type analysis

Al (Aluminium)1 mg/l
As (Arsenic)1 mg/l
Ba (Barium)1 mg/l
Ca (Calcium)1 mg/l
Cd (Cadmium)1 mg/l
Co (Cobalt)1 mg/l
Cr (Chrom)1 mg/l
Cu (Copper)1 mg/l
Fe (Iron)1 mg/l
K (Potassium)1 mg/l
Li (Lithium)1 mg/l
Mg (Magnesium)1 mg/l
Mn (Manganese)1 mg/l
Mo (Molybdenum)1 mg/l
Na (Sodium)1 mg/l
Ni (Nickel)1 mg/l
P (Phosphorus)1 mg/l
Pb (Lead)1 mg/l
S (Sulfur)1 mg/l
Sn (Tin)1 mg/l
Ti (Titanium)1 mg/l
V (Vanadium)1 mg/l
W (Tungsten)1 mg/l
Zn (Zinc)1 mg/l
Zr (Zirconium)1 mg/l
Traceable to SRM from NIST.