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Proteinase K - Solution, 1 ml

20 mg/ml, sterile, ready-to-use, for biochemistry and molecular biology
Icon_Kuehltransport The products marked accordingly are shipped refrigerated in special, sustainable cooling boxes with cooling packs or dry ice.
Icon_Steril Sterile products
Icon_ready-to-use Ready-to-use products and reagents
Mogelijke gevolgen: veroorzaken allergieën, kankerverwekkend (carcinogeen), verandering erfelijk materiaal (mutageen), brengt de voortplanting in gevaar en vruchtbeschadigend (reprotoxisch) of orgaanbeschadigend Veiligheid: voor het werk met dergelijke stoffen moet men zich goed informeren; veiligheidskleding en handschoenen, oog- en mondbescherming of adembescherming dragen.
i may cause an allergic skin reaction, may cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled
P280 P302+P352 P333+P313
i wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection, IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water, if skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention
Verwante producten
Density (D) 1 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) ~100 °C
Melting point (mp) ~0 °C
Storage temp. -20 °C
Transport temp. cooled
CAS No. 39450-01-6
EG-Nr. 254-457-8

Ready made solution
Non-specific protease for degrading proteins in biological samples. Isolated from fungi (Tritirachium album).

Proteinase K (from Tritirachium album) is a non-specific protease of the serine protease family.
Proteinase K is used for the cleavage of proteins in nucleic acid preparations. It is mainly used in nucleic acid purification or for the removal of nucleases.
Proteinase K is active under a wide range of reaction conditions, including elevated temperatures and presence of SDS.

41,85 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 1 ml Per VE

Bestelnr. 3719.1

Op voorraad
Voor dit artikel gelden extra transportkosten.
Vanaf 6 VE 39,76 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 37,66 €/VE



Proteinase K (from Tritirachium album) is a non-specific protease of the serine protease family.
Proteinase K is used for the cleavage of proteins in nucleic acid preparations. It is mainly used in nucleic acid purification or for the removal of nucleases.
Proteinase K is active under a wide range of reaction conditions, including elevated temperatures and presence of SDS.


Foreign activity: RNAse and DNAse not detectable
Optimum temperature: +65 °C.
Activity at +65 °C is ca. 12 x higher than at +25 °C. Over +65 °C, inactivation due to denaturation.
Activators: Denaturating agents like SDS (0,5-1 %), urea.
Inhibitors: Inhibition with Hg2+-ions, DFP, PMSF and phenol. Not inhibited by EDTA, sulfhydryl reagents and trypsin or chymotryps ininhibitors.
Stability: pH 4.0-12.5. pH optimum: 8,0.
Also stable even when denaturing agents, e.g. SDS and urea are present.
Stabilisers: Ca2+-ions (1-5 mM) prevent autolysis.

Proteinase K - Solution 20 mg/ml, sterile, ready-to-use, for biochemistry and molecular biology

Proteinase K (from Tritirachium album) is a non-specific protease of the serine protease family. Proteinase K is used for the cleavage of proteins in nucleic acid preparations. It is mainly used in nucleic acid purification or for the removal of nucleases.

  • Sterile ready-to-use solution
  • Stable over a wide pH range: 4.0–12.5
  • Active at high temperatures and denaturing conditions

Proteinase K - Solution
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. VE Verp. Prijs Hoeveelheid
3719.1 1 ml glass

41,85 €

3719.2 5 ml glass

166,65 €

Op voorraad
In bestelling
Niet meer verkrijgbaar
Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

Downloads / MSDS

Algemene informatie

Enzyme: a neoclassical, Greek artificial word ενζυμου, énzymon, derived from εν-, en- (in-) and ζυμη, zýmé (yeast, sourdough, archaic)
Ferments: comes from the Latin fermentum (ferments, sourdough)

There are six classes in which all enzymes are classified according to the particular reaction they catalyse:

Oxidoreductases (catalyse redox reactions)

Transferases (transfer functional groups among substrates)

Hydrolases (cleave bonds via addition of water)

Lyases/Synthases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates without cleavage of ATP)

Isomerases (transform chemical isomers)

Ligases/Synthetases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates via cleavage of ATP)

Enzyme: a neoclassical, Greek artificial word ενζυμου, énzymon, derived from εν-, en- (in-) and ζυμη, zýmé (yeast, sourdough, archaic)
Ferments: comes from the Latin fermentum (ferments, sourdough)

There are six classes in which all enzymes are classified according to the particular reaction they catalyse:

Oxidoreductases (catalyse redox reactions)

Transferases (transfer functional groups among substrates)

Hydrolases (cleave bonds via addition of water)

Lyases/Synthases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates without cleavage of ATP)

Isomerases (transform chemical isomers)

Ligases/Synthetases (cleave or synthesise complex products out of basic substrates via cleavage of ATP)


Hier kunt u uw analysecertificaat voor het geselecteerde product zoeken en downloaden. Geef een chargenummer op.
De volgende analysecertificaten werden gevonden:

Guarantee analysis

Appearanceclear, colorless solution
Concentration20 mg/ml
Specific activity≥800 U/ml
Assay DNA≤200 pg/ml
Exonuclease activitynot detectable
Endonucleasesnot detectable