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ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus, 500 ml

SOLVAGREEN® ready-to-use, formalin-free
Icon_ROTH-for-Future Products with optimised manufacturing process in terms of sustainability.
Icon_ready-to-use Ready-to-use products and reagents
Icon_EVE-EUD Please consider that this product might be liable to some legal sanctions as for example to obtain an end user declaration or the prohibition of some applications. For details please do contact your counterpart in our sales department!
Mogelijke gevolgen: leiden tot schade aan de gezondheid, irriteren organen, huid of luchtwegen. Leiden in grotere hoeveelheden tot de dood. Veiligheid: zoals hierboven; bij huidirritaties of oogcontact met water of geschikt middel spoelen.
i may cause an allergic skin reaction
P280 P302+P352 P333+P313
i wear protective gloves, IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water, if skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention
Density (D) 1,015 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) ~100 °C
Melting point (mp) ~0 °C
Storage temp. +15 to +25 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

For fixing of histological and immunochemical specimens. Formalin substitute.

ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus is a ready-to-use, aqueous solution on the basis of hexamethylene tetramine. The solution has similar good fixation properties like formaldehyde, but is, unlike formaldehyde, classified as non-toxic.

20,35 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 500 ml Per VE

Bestelnr. 8907.1

Op voorraad
Vrij van verzendingskosten vanaf 250 €
Snelle en betrouwbare levering!
Vanaf 6 VE 19,33 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 18,32 €/VE


All SOLVAGREEN® products as well as further information about the product can also be found in our current flyer Green Chemistry - Alternative Solvents and Products.

ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus SOLVAGREEN® ready-to-use, formalin-free

ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus is a ready-to-use, aqueous solution on the basis of hexamethylene tetramine. The solution has similar good fixation properties like formaldehyde, but is, unlike formaldehyde, classified as non-toxic.

  • Formaldehyde-free, non-toxic fixative
  • Good fixation properties
  • Optimal working range: pH 4,5-6,0
  • No denaturing effect, e.g. shrinkage or crosslinking
  • Adequate substitute for formaldehyde

The original morphology of the tissue is preserved during the fixation process. The protein molecules are cross-linked in a reversible way, their structures are preserved. That is especially important for antigen-antibody reactions. Samples are - in contrast to other fixative media - free of artefacts such as shrinkage of tissue or irreversible protein crosslinking. The solution is therefore ideal for immunohistochemistry. All conventional staining processes can be carried out following fixation.

ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus is provided with a fragrance for better identification (<1ppm).

Geen medisch hulpmiddel / Geen ivD-product
ROTI®Histofix ECO Plus
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. VE Verp. Prijs Hoeveelheid
8907.1 500 ml plastic

20,35 €

8907.2 2,5 l plastic

64,40 €

8907.3 5 l plastic

123,65 €

Op voorraad
In bestelling
Niet meer verkrijgbaar
Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

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Green Solvents

SOLVAGREEN® - Our Brand for Alternative Solvents

The products listed below serve as substitutes for environmentally hazardous and harmful reagents and help minimize risk. Sustainability is also achieved through the use of renewable resources or environmentally compatible manufacturing and recycling processes.


Not every alternative solvent is suitable for every application. Carl ROTH offers you a wide range of alternative solvents to address the most diverse solvent problems.


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Formalin-free, non-toxic solution. For fixing of histological specimens. Pleasantly aromatic odour. Formalin substitute.