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Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant methanol D, 2.5 l

for KF titration, dry
Icon_EVE-EUD Please consider that this product might be liable to some legal sanctions as for example to obtain an end user declaration or the prohibition of some applications. For details please do contact your counterpart in our sales department!
Mogelijke gevolgen: zijn ontvlambaar; vloeistoffen vormen met lucht explosieve mengsels; zorgen met water voor ontvlambare gassen of zijn zelfontvlambaar. Veiligheid: uit de buurt van open vuur en warmtebronnen houden; vaten dicht afsluiten; brandveilig bewaren.
Mogelijke gevolgen: leiden in kleinere hoeveelheden onmiddellijk tot ernstige schade aan de gezondheid of tot de dood. Veiligheid: niet inademen, aanraken, inslikken. Beschermingsmiddelen dragen. Onmiddellijk antigifcentrum of arts op de hoogte brengen. Stabiele zijpositie.
Mogelijke gevolgen: veroorzaken allergieën, kankerverwekkend (carcinogeen), verandering erfelijk materiaal (mutageen), brengt de voortplanting in gevaar en vruchtbeschadigend (reprotoxisch) of orgaanbeschadigend Veiligheid: voor het werk met dergelijke stoffen moet men zich goed informeren; veiligheidskleding en handschoenen, oog- en mondbescherming of adembescherming dragen.
i highly flammable liquid and vapour, toxic if swallowed, in contact with skin or if inhaled, causes damage to organs (eye)
P210 P270 P280 P303+P361+P353 P304+P340 P308+P311
i keep away from heat, sparks, open flames, hot surfaces. No smoking, do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product, wear protective gloves/eye protection, IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water [or shower], IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing, IF exposed or concerned: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor
Verwante producten
Volumetric Karl Fischer solutions, Reagents for water analysis, Water determination acc. to Karl Fischer
Density (D) 0,79 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) 65 °C
Flash point (flp) 9,7 °C
Melting point (mp) -98 °C
UN-Nr. 1230

Solvent component. For use with item number T194, T190, 1T13 or 22L4.

68,70 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 2,5 l Per VE

Bestelnr. T193.2

Op voorraad
Vrij van verzendingskosten vanaf 250 €
Snelle en betrouwbare levering!
Vanaf 4 VE 65,26 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 61,83 €/VE
Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant methanol D
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. VE Verp. Prijs Hoeveelheid
T193.1 1 l glass

40,75 €

T193.2 2,5 l glass

68,70 €

Op voorraad
In bestelling
Niet meer verkrijgbaar
Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

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Algemene informatie

Karl Fischer Reagents ROTI®Hydroquant

There are two established Karl Fischer methods of calculating the water content of a substance: Volumetric analysis and coulometric analysis.

Which method is chosen depends primarily on the water content that the sample is expected to have. Making the right choice is vital for obtaining reliable and reproducible results. Carl ROTH offers compatible reagents for both of these methods.

Volumetric Reagents

Karl Fischer volumetric analysis is recommended if the water content of a sample ought to be between 0,1 % and 100 %. Volumetric analysis is performed by measuring the amount of Karl Fischer reagent that needs to be added to a substance until the end point of the titration has been reached. In alcoholic solutions, water reacts 1:1 with iodine in the presence of sulphur dioxide. Methanol and sulphur dioxide form an acid ester that is neutralised by the base (e.g. imidazole, hereafter referred to as "RN" for simplicity).

CH3OH + SO2 + RN → [RNH]SO3CH3

In the titration process, iodine is added which reacts with water to be reduced to colourless iodide:

[RNH]SO3CH3 + H2O + I2 + 2 RN → [RNH]SO4CH3 + 2 [RNH]I

This reaction continues until there is no water left. The end point is determined by a change in colour due to a surplus of iodine and measured using a potentiometer.

Table illustrating the uses of Karl Fischer ROTI®Hydroquant volumetric reagents:

Solvent components
Methanol (T193) Methanol (1PPH) Working medium K (5215) CS E (22L5) CS KE (22L6) Fat Solver MH (20TL) Fat Solver CM (22L7) Fat Solver crude oil (22LC) S (T192) S CM (5218) S Oil (20TK) S E (22LA)
Titration components C1 (22L4) X X



C2 (T194) X X



C5 (T190) X X



C5 plus (1T13) X X



C5 K (5211)



T2 (X947)


T5 (T191)


T2 E (22L8)

T5 E (22L9)


Single-component Reagents

Single-component reagents contain all the substances required for the Karl Fischer reaction in a single solution. They are easy to use and provide for a high level of flexibility when choosing a solvent for the sample type. The high reactivity of the components means that the titre for single-component reagents must always be determined before titration is carried out. Reactions with standard reagents containing methanol are not possible for samples that contain aldehydes or ketones, as the methanol will react with them to produce extra water in a secondary reaction. Carl ROTH offers methanol-free reagents that are suitable for substances containing aldehydes and ketones.


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De volgende analysecertificaten werden gevonden:

Type analysis

Assay (GC)≥99,5 %
Water (H2O)≤0,01 %