Technical Data Sheet
L-Valine, 25 g
Molar mass (M) 117,15 g/mol
Density (D) 1,23 g/cm³
Melting point (mp) 315 °C
CAS No. 72-18-4
EG-Nr. 200-773-6
€22.50/Pack Qty.
excl. VAT. | 25 g per Pack Qty.
Art. No. 4879.1
Product details
L-Valine ≥98,5 %, USP, for biochemistry
Checked according to pharmacopoeia | USP |
- Subtotal: 0.00
Art. No. | Pack Qty. | Pack. | Price | Quantity | |
4879.1 | 25 g | plastic |
€22.50 |
4879.2 | 1 kg | plastic |
€289.20 |
4879.3 | 100 g | plastic |
€51.50 |
4879.4 | 250 g | plastic |
€100.55 |
4879.5 | 500 g | plastic |
€160.20 |
In stock
In procurement
No longer available
Delivery date currently unknown
- Subtotal: 0.00
Downloads / MSDS
General information
Our amino acids are of the highest purity and suitable for a broad range of applications in biochemistry. Besides the natural occurring L-amino acids, we offer a selection of unnatural D-amino acids and DL-amino acids.
Certificates of Analysis
Guarantee analysis
Appearance | white cryst. powder |
Assay (dry substance) | 98,5-101,5 % |
Identity | complies |
pH-value (5 %, water) | 5,5-7,0 |
Specific rotation [α]b (8 % in HCl 6 N) | +26,6° to +28,8° |
Ash content | ≤0,1 % |
Loss on drying (105 °C, 3 h) | ≤0,3 % |
Foreign amino acids | complies |
Related substances (individual) | ≤0.5 % |
Related substances (total) | ≤2 % |
Heavy metals (as Pb) | ≤0,001 % |
Chloride (Cl) | ≤0,05 % |
Sulphate (SO4) | ≤0,03 % |
Ammonium (NH4) | ≤0,02 % |
Iron (Fe) | ≤0,003 % |