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ROTI®Block, 1 l

10x conc., ready-to-use
Icon_ready-to-use Ready-to-use products and reagents
Blocking reagents
Density (D) ~1,086 g/cm³
Boiling point (bp) ~100 °C
Storage temp. +15 to +25 °C
Transport temp. ambient temp.

Contains Tween® 20
Protein free blocking solution

Protein-free blocking solution for all blot and hybridisation systems. Diluted also perfectly suitable as base solution for immunochemical detections.

192,45 €/VE 

Excl. btw | 1 l Per VE

Bestelnr. A151.2

In productie
Vrij van verzendingskosten vanaf 250 €
Vanaf 6 VE 182,83 €/VE
Vanaf 24 VE 173,20 €/VE


Protein-free blocking solution for all blot and hybridisation systems. Diluted also perfectly suitable as base solution for immunochemical detections.

Geschikt voor:
  • Western- and Far Western Analysis
  • Southern- and Northern-Blots
  • Dot-Blots
  • ELISA- and Sandwich-Assays
  • Precoating of ELISA-plates (incl. drying)
  • in situ hybridisation
  • Microarray hybridisation

In order to obtain high signal intensity, nonspecific antibody binding sites must be blocked. Whilst detergents are not effective as blocking agents, the addition of proteins such as BSA may mask specific binding sites.

ROTI®Block is an innovative, polymer-based blocking reagent which solves such problems. With ROTI®Block, the specific binding sites remain accessible while nonspecific reactions are suppressed, thus leading to an increase in signal intensity.

ROTI®Block 10x conc., ready-to-use

ROTI®Block is a protein-free blocking solution that can be used diluted as a base solution for all steps of Western detections and ELISAs. ROTI®Block replaces PBS/TBS buffers and other buffer systems including the blocking reagents used.
If required, ROTI®Block can be enriched with further blocking reagents, detergents etc. to further optimise the detection system.

Figure: Western blotting of decreasing amounts (50 ng - 17 pg) of a bacterial extract including a 40 kDa protein. Probed by Anti His Serum (1:1.000) and Carl ROTH Anti Rabbit-HRP, blocking by means of ROTI®Block. Detection via chemoluminescence.


Included you will find a detailed instruction manual with protocols, e.g. for stripping ROTI®PVDF-membranes from bound probes without destabilising the blocking, which enables fast rescreening of the filter.
ROTI®Block also enables the blot to be Ponceau stained even after blocking.
For detection systems using antibodies specifically directed against protein-phosphorylations we recommend to test and optimise the blocking efficiency prior to assaying your samples.

Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00
Bestelnr. VE Verp. Prijs Hoeveelheid
A151.1 250 ml glass

64,40 €

A151.2 1 l glass

192,45 €

A151.3 2,5 l glass

364,45 €

A151.4 500 ml glass

110,20 €

Op voorraad
In bestelling
Niet meer verkrijgbaar
Leveringsdatum onbekend
Geselecteerde hoeveelheid:   0
  1. Tussentotaal:  0.00

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